Welcome to the blog sharing the journey we are on of growing our family through adoption, as well as what life is like after the adoption has finalized.

There is a section where you can read some FAQs, check out the process we will be going through...as well as the blog posts filled with humor, joy, as well as probably some frustrations along the way!

Once again, welcome and let's enjoy the ride!!


Tuesday, December 1, 2009

I love...

Dom's favorite phrase is I love ___. If we say "Dommy, do you want to put your shoes on?" He says "I love shoes on!" or "do you want soup with you sandwich?" he says "I love soup with your sandwich" Here are some others:
Do you want mommy to get your trucks out?
I love trucks out

Do you want daddy to tuck you in?
I love daddy tuck in

You get the idea. As much as he says "I love all other things" he refused to say "I love daddy" or "I love mommy" We are fine with this as it's only been a few days since they've been home but it's hard to hear/not hear your child that YOU love so much reciprocate those words when he's loving all things not mommy or daddy!

Yesterday I thought I got it:
Dom, do you want mommy to help you?
I love mommy to help you

Not quite what I was thinking...

Then, today he said it! Nick said "Dommy, do you love daddy? "I love daddy!" Then about an hour later I said "Dom, mommy loves you. Do you love mommy?" "I love mommy!" I almost cried...the words I've been longing to hear didn't really have to come so soon but God allowed me to hear them!

1 comment:

  1. Mandy, this is so beautiful and real. Thanks for sharing this! :)
