Welcome to the blog sharing the journey we are on of growing our family through adoption, as well as what life is like after the adoption has finalized.

There is a section where you can read some FAQs, check out the process we will be going through...as well as the blog posts filled with humor, joy, as well as probably some frustrations along the way!

Once again, welcome and let's enjoy the ride!!


Saturday, July 10, 2010

Glimpses of the weekend:

1. After a long two hour car ride full of screaming and singing we pulled up the the water park in Albany. This is where we were going to meet the boy's old foster family for their foster sister's birthday party. The boys haven't seen sweet Ava and Lilly (ages 5 and 4) for 3 months and Dom was very excited. We unloaded the car and the boys were extremely happy to be out! I held both of their hand very tight on the sidewalk and we saw the van pull up, loaded with kids but specifically two little girls the boys love deeply. We walked across the steamy pavement and the door opened. Both girls came bounding out of the car and the boys wriggled their sweaty fingers out of mine. The kids sprinted to one another and stopped noes to nose giggling and talking, mostly repeating "hi, hi, hi, hee hee, hi!"

2. Nick and I rolled down the windows and were hit with the fishy smell of the sea. We just pulled into Lincoln City for our anniversary. The boys were still (hopefully) napping at Grammie and Grampies and we kept wondering "what will we do? No kids, no responsibility, no plans, what do we do?" Operating without a schedule...first time in 8 months...felt good! After we had dinner at a perfect little fish and chips find we got the bedtime call from the boys. I was sad, feeling weird, and delighted all at the same time. It brought me so much joy and peace to hear them try to tell me about their day and to say "I wuv you, goonight mamma"

3. Walking into my parents house after our first night away from the boys I put my hand on the door expecting to hear KC barking. I opened the door (KC was too tired to bark at this point) and I could hear my little boys giggling and playing in the living room. We rounded the corner, met their eyes and was greeted with "MOMMY! DADDY!" Big hug and kisses from my sweet little angels. Sigh, oh how I love them!

1 comment:

  1. :) Always happy to know you and grateful for parents like you, people like you. How wonderful! I miss you guys very much and as always, look forward until the next time I can see you.
