Welcome to the blog sharing the journey we are on of growing our family through adoption, as well as what life is like after the adoption has finalized.

There is a section where you can read some FAQs, check out the process we will be going through...as well as the blog posts filled with humor, joy, as well as probably some frustrations along the way!

Once again, welcome and let's enjoy the ride!!


Friday, October 2, 2009


so last sunday night at our weekly cook-out we had some kids there, as usual, and i was goofing off with a very active four year old in an intense game of keep away with a pear...yeah, a pear...and as the intensity grew to where punches and kicks and elbows started flying (i promise none of them were mine), i decided it was time to calm down, so i pointed to the first star that had emerged and the young guy looked up and laid down on my chest and we began staring up at the sky...soon my 3 year old buddy (even though he speaks spanish, we love hanging out) comes and lays down next to me and a 9 year old girl joins us as we begin to point out every star and airplane that flew over-head while parents and friends watched...

...i can't wait to be a dad...

and just in case you think i'm romanticizing parenthood, my job requires me to be walking outside doing odd jobs after school gets out. and as the kids walk home from the local elementary school there is a group that invariably finds me and begins the Why-marathon...Why are you doing? Why'd they tell you to do it? Why do you do it? Do you like it? How much you get paid? Can I do it? Why not? Can anyone else do it? Why don't you do something else? Why do you do what your boss tells you?

...i still can't wait to be a dad...

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