Welcome to the blog sharing the journey we are on of growing our family through adoption, as well as what life is like after the adoption has finalized.

There is a section where you can read some FAQs, check out the process we will be going through...as well as the blog posts filled with humor, joy, as well as probably some frustrations along the way!

Once again, welcome and let's enjoy the ride!!


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Potty Training...

First of all...I'm fully a mom now, here I am bragging about my boy's peeing progress...

Oh what a journey this has been! Dominick was ready to be trained when he came to us at age 2.5, but we were not ready with all the other adjustments going on so he had to wait. His personality is so funny to me, such selective passion! At times he is THE most motivated kid out there, willing to do ANYTHING to get/do what he's trying to do. At other times, he is the most passive kid out there NOTHING can faze him or persuade him to care about the desired outcome. This has been both my greatest joy and pain at times. Potty training...humm...more on the passive side of things. I think with the transition we missed the "window of opportunity." The early weeks working on it he would just pee everywhere and keep on playing as if nothing happened. He would even laugh at times about the fact the he peed and would just act as if it was no big deal. No cookie, special time, movie, or anything could motivate that kid to get it. It just took a LOT of patience for us to wait for him to internally own the idea and to chase it. We started back in January and even still he has random accidents and wears diapers at night.

Eli on the other hand, a completely different child. This kid will do ANYTHING for a cookie and to be just like big brother. The poor kid has no patience for himself and gets so MAD when he sits there not peeing. Literally throwing a mini tantrum because he can't pee fast enough or even at all. He requires a whole other kind of tolerance and patience in this process. I am excited to see how it goes. Because of his lack of patience our potty "sessions" have been more scattered and spread out (unlike Dom) because it can be very stressful to give him a biology lesson every time he tries to go! How does one explain to a 2 year old to first drink, wait, then it's time to go potty?

Then there is the added challenge of sibling rivalry! These two can't stand it when the other is peeing! The second Eli gets the big boy pants on Dom is rip roaring and ready to go to get any/all attention he can deflect from Eli. Then, when Dom is using the potty Eli is stripping down, ripping off diapers, and either pushing Dom off the stool or attempting to catch his pee before it hits the toilet.

Never a dull moment in this house:) I am so proud of them but would much rather be changing diapers for a few years, MUCH EASIER!!


  1. I worked for a few weeks at our church preschool before I got my current job and I couldn't believe the world of potty training. Good luck friend!

  2. I LOVED reading this, haha!
