Welcome to the blog sharing the journey we are on of growing our family through adoption, as well as what life is like after the adoption has finalized.

There is a section where you can read some FAQs, check out the process we will be going through...as well as the blog posts filled with humor, joy, as well as probably some frustrations along the way!

Once again, welcome and let's enjoy the ride!!


Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I'm one pissed mamma!

The Lord just reminded me what I am called to and part of it is easier than the other. I was invited to join a Samali play group and we attended our first time today. The boys loved it and so did I. I could tell that this is a tight group of women who have all experienced the same trama as refugees and share a unique bond as isolated mothers. They, however, didn't jude me a young white mom who was born here and "has it all together." They warmly accepted us and were very kind. I am looking forward to crossing cultural boundries (including language) to get to know these women. This I believe is what we as a family are called to.

Then, their is a neighbor 4 doors down whom I've never met before today but had a very frustrating conversation with. There is a project going in across the street that is a community that supports and helps families adopt from foster care.

I was walking the boys around the block to watch the diggers and dump trucks.
"How do you feel about walking your babies down the middle of the road like that?"
Oh, I'm okay with it. We feel pretty safe on our street and we are actually going to watch these big trucks, my boys love it!
"Well how do you feel about wild unsupervised teenagers moving in?"
Oh, we are really excited about this project! We are huge advocates for it and don't worry, they'll be supervised.
"Honey, I've lived on this street for longer than you've been alive. This is NOT the right place for these wild crazy kids to move in."
I'm sorry you have such a poor view of them. These kids are awesome. Our boys were adopted from foster care! I really hope you get the chance to meet some of them when they move in I'm sure it will change your mind.
"I hope not. Those damn kids better not ever step foot on my property they are not welcome here."
Well sir, have a nice day!

Oooh, Lord, really? I have to love this neighbor too?


  1. Oh no!! What a loud mouth. Seems you handled it well...with tact and education.

  2. Wow, Mandy...isn't that funny how things sometimes seems the reverse of what we might expect? It's a lot of the times easier to love the "wild unsupervised teenager" who are moving in than the well established adults who really should be more mature than that. That poor, miserable guy! Just keep loving like you're doing...even that one! ;)
