It's 6:25 am Mothers Day 2010. One year ago Nick and I were still sleeping at this hour on Mothers Day. In fact all weekends we were never up before 7 unless there was some crazy reason. I remember being almost convinced that it would be my last Mother's Day without children but there was still a piece of me that feared God would have us wait another year. At this time we were in the thick of raising funds, filling out paperwork, and getting analyzed by the state under a microscope. I just read my Mother's Day post from a year a go here and can still hear through my words the emotions I felt of exasperation with the process.
Not today though, no exasperation, no worry, no wondering, no self-doubt, no curiosity, just warm fuzzies:) HA that's a joke. All of those feelings still exist but for now, here in bed with the boys making breakfast with daddy, just warm fuzzies! Right now in this moment I have so much joy and confidence in who God has called me to be. So much love that I never knew existed in me.
I think Mother's Day exists not just for everyone to appreciate their mom's but for mom's to appreciate their children and the support they get from their husbands. I believe this day will propel me through another year of parenting. It's enough of an umph to remind me that I am appreciate for what I do day in and out. The boys, they don't give a rip really but someday they will understand! The truth is they give me more identity and purpose in each day and that's enough of a return for what I do for them. I have NEVER done anything in my life that fills me up and gives me purpose like parenting these two.
Dominick and Elijah, Happy Mothers Day to me! You two are out there (in the kitchen) testing Daddy's patience and running circles around him. Dom you are like a little honey bee that just found a clover patch, bouncing here and there and buzzing with so much excitement for the day you can hardly contain yourself. It's cute from here, on the other side of the door. Eli you're still too young to fully understand. I think that you are in there being good and calm because you really want breakfast! I can't wait to spend this day with you two.
Welcome to the blog sharing the journey we are on of growing our family through adoption, as well as what life is like after the adoption has finalized.
There is a section where you can read some FAQs, check out the process we will be going well as the blog posts filled with humor, joy, as well as probably some frustrations along the way!
Once again, welcome and let's enjoy the ride!!
Sunday, May 9, 2010
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