Welcome to the blog sharing the journey we are on of growing our family through adoption, as well as what life is like after the adoption has finalized.

There is a section where you can read some FAQs, check out the process we will be going through...as well as the blog posts filled with humor, joy, as well as probably some frustrations along the way!

Once again, welcome and let's enjoy the ride!!


Wednesday, July 29, 2009


so....we've started re-arranging the house in preperation for the adoption....don't get too excited, its still about 2 or 3 months away....but we've started none-the-less. its crazy to think that we are this close, its crazy to be thinking about how we are going to make sure their room is cool enough on days like today (callin for 107), or how can we make sure this table doesn't become death by corners, or what kind of things will they like...

its no secret i want a boy :)....dont get me wrong, girls are wonderful, but the thought of havin a son is just exciting to me, i keep wondering if we get a son, will he like football? will he like basketball? hockey? sports? will he think im a dork :) mandy's pretty convinced all our kids will....at least once they get past the 'i love daddy's crazy voices' stage. i'm excited.

it has amazed me how God has prepared us for all this, prepared us for adoption, prepared us for people thinking we're idiots, prepared us for the unknown., i'm excited, and oh so thankful


  1. I had no idea it was all so close!
    Praying for you guys and rejoicing with you during this exciting time.

  2. That is amazing Nick!!! So exciting!! Please, keep on posting and let us know how it all goes!!

  3. this is so GREAT to read! We are praying for you as usual, and think it would ROCK if we got to meet our new cousin/kid whatever you call it!!!
    Matt and Hallie
