Welcome to the blog sharing the journey we are on of growing our family through adoption, as well as what life is like after the adoption has finalized.

There is a section where you can read some FAQs, check out the process we will be going through...as well as the blog posts filled with humor, joy, as well as probably some frustrations along the way!

Once again, welcome and let's enjoy the ride!!


Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Just yesterday I met with a dear friend with a very big heart. She also is an adoptive parent and is in the process of creating a community (across the street from us) for families to live in who will adopt foster children. Us meeting her and learning of Portland Bridge Meadows alone has been a miracle from God. She shared her adoption story (times two, she has two children) with me yesterday and told me that in this journey we will find many miracles. She herself didn't believe this when a friend told her until these small miracles began happening with her two children finding them as parents. Let me take a moment to share a few of those small miracles in our story.

Meeting Derenda and the Bridge Meadows project. She was the first person I asked to help me understand the adoption process and all of the options. She did an amazing job at helping me understand and to know where to begin. Every time I speak with her I have this nervous, comfortable, excited feeling that would be comparable (I imagine) to feeling a baby kick in a my belly.

Kevin and Rhonda. This is a wonderful couple that a friend introduced us to who adopted both of their girls from the foster system just within the last few years. The miracle part of this story is that they have many connections in their past to Nick's family through the church! Also, learning about their story led us to Boys and Girls Aid the agency we are choosing to use to be our adoption workers.

Jamie and Heather. Nick's dear friends from college. This sweet couple adopted their two beautiful children just in the last couple of years. Their story really aided us through a greiving process that was much needed. Encouraging letters and phone calls came on the most perfect of day, the days when we NEEDED to hear from them.

Most of our miracles right now are couples and individuals who have shared stories and encouragment about what we are facing. The miracle of adoption in other's lives have become miracles in our adoption story. Oh how our Heavinly Father provides.

I know there will be many more to come. I pray Lord that I would not miss the ways your hands are leading us to be adopted by a child.

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