Welcome to the blog sharing the journey we are on of growing our family through adoption, as well as what life is like after the adoption has finalized.

There is a section where you can read some FAQs, check out the process we will be going through...as well as the blog posts filled with humor, joy, as well as probably some frustrations along the way!

Once again, welcome and let's enjoy the ride!!


Saturday, November 7, 2009

So much has chaged...

This is the wild part of the journey we've been waiting for!

We found out on Monday that one of the children we submitted for, their case worker received our home study and would be waiting for more to be submitted. So we sort of got news, but not really.

Then, Tuesday we heard from another one we submitted for and we were chosen as one of the top three families!! We are going to committee in a few weeks (I will let you know the date just as soon as I know when). We aren't giving much information at this point, even to our parents, because we just can't! We can't put our hearts through the torture of falling in love and allowing you all to fall in love only to not be able to adopt them. Yes, I said them. We are going to committee for two brothers, a one year old and a two year old! Yeah, we might be crazy but that's for God decide:)

What's committee? Committee is a large meeting that will be held with each of the three families case workers, the child's case worker, the early intervention specialist that's been working with the boys, and three unbiased case workers who are completely disconnected from this case. As a large team they will decide which of the three families will be the best fit for the boys.

What's next? Any number of things happen next. We could hear from another child's worker between now and then and be asked to go to committee on another child. If we were to say yes we could do it as long as they don't fall on the same week. If they were to fall on the same week we would have to choose. If we don't hear from any other case workers then we just wait for committee and if we are not selected we wait and continue to submit for other children.

If we're chosen? We then would get medical record and more in depth information on the boys and have 7 days to change our minds. After that 7 day period they would begin the meeting and transition process into our home. That's the point we rally the troops! We will be making a million calls to all people we know who have children similar in age to ask a dozen questions. We also will register at target and such and ask for assistance in prepping the home.

That's what we know for now. So we are ultimately not any closer than we were a week ago but have a 33% chance to adopt these two amazing boys.

Please pray for us and these two boys.


  1. I am so excited about this you guys! I hope you know that we love you and are praying for you!

    Love, Kristy and Tyrel

  2. Oh Mandy, so exciting. You will definitely be in our thoughts and prayers. We know that God is building your family in His own good timing and will sustain you during this process!
