Welcome to the blog sharing the journey we are on of growing our family through adoption, as well as what life is like after the adoption has finalized.

There is a section where you can read some FAQs, check out the process we will be going through...as well as the blog posts filled with humor, joy, as well as probably some frustrations along the way!

Once again, welcome and let's enjoy the ride!!


Friday, February 26, 2010

They are so stinkin cute!

These two just keep getting cuter by the minute not to mention how smart they are! I need to take another moment to brag:

1. Eli's vocabulary is outstanding. He uses new words in context daily and is speaking in short sentences...blows my mind! The words he learned and used today; "woman" and "penis." Don't worry, not at the same time. He isn't learning about the birds and the bees yet!

2. Dom went to get a screening for early intervention services, the state was asking for it, and he passed with flying colors. He doesn't quite have the vocabluary that his cousin Alli has (she's a walking dictionary) but he's pretty outstanding. They tested in gross motor skills (his best subject), fine moter skills (scored an equivilent to a B in this. Who has time scissiors and stuff), speech, and problem solving. They accidently gave him the test that is 3 months beyond him and he still did great. I was so proud!

3. They both have just learned to peel cuties. This is a very exciting new discovery for mommy, I can only peel so many of those little boogers. They eat like 6 a day!

4. Dom's imagination has evolved from just pretending about things he recalls from books or movies to a full blown imagination land. It is amazing. For the last three day's he's been tending to his "puppy" who needs food, water, and outside to go potty. Tonight he was fishing with his teeth in the river (our living room). Check out the video on Nick's Facebook page.

5. Our little copy cat. Eli imitates EVERYTHING. If you sigh he sighs. If you laugh loud better believe he will too. If I do my hair, he's right there with me doing his. If Dom is pretending to catch fish, Eli catches too! It's wonderful and brilliant.

That's all for now, more to come later. These boys are amazing and I am so blessed to be their mommy.


  1. Ok, I can hardly peel a cutie and I'm 27. Guess I better get on it...

  2. It sounds like two little boys whose world is happy and safe! You make amazing parents.
