Welcome to the blog sharing the journey we are on of growing our family through adoption, as well as what life is like after the adoption has finalized.

There is a section where you can read some FAQs, check out the process we will be going through...as well as the blog posts filled with humor, joy, as well as probably some frustrations along the way!

Once again, welcome and let's enjoy the ride!!


Thursday, January 21, 2010

In the thick of it...

God has been growing me as a person this last week in ways I didn't even know possible. I have found myself in the thick of the battle as the enimy tries to steal my joy and lead my boys astray. I am sure like the rest of you there are so many times that the rain comes and it just decides to pour. BUT God gives us more than an umbrella he teaches us how to build a small shelter until the storm passes. The "rain" started coming about 8 days ago when the boys suddenly began loosing sleep. I'm still not sure what brought that on but we have been spending the last several days trying to rcover from those hours of precious sleep that make them and me more allert, forgiving, patient, and prepared for each day. In the mean time God has pushed me to be responsible in building relationships with other moms and that is really hard to do. I found today that it is possible for a toddler to sleep again:) It is possible for moms of toddlers to have friends without it just evolving around play dates. It is possible for husbands (like mine) to come in and settle a frazzled mom:) It is possible to pray for strength to build a shelter and not just whimper for an umbrella that won't do half the job. Today I am excited for tomorrow, two days ago I was looking for something sturdy to hold onto and praying that tomorrow wouldn't come yet.


  1. oh! I should have commented to you about this over here, and not over on FB where the whole world can see! haha!

    Mandy, I LOOOOOVE that you are recording your journey. I love seeing how God leads and grows you. But more than that, I'm really enjoying the chance to actually get to know my cousin. ;) Thank you for sharing!

  2. Praying for you, friend! For rest and sleep for the whole family and a community to come alongside you as a mom. :)
