Welcome to the blog sharing the journey we are on of growing our family through adoption, as well as what life is like after the adoption has finalized.

There is a section where you can read some FAQs, check out the process we will be going through...as well as the blog posts filled with humor, joy, as well as probably some frustrations along the way!

Once again, welcome and let's enjoy the ride!!


Friday, June 5, 2009

a lil fundraisin...

Hey everyone, just wanted to share a quick note.  We've got a garage sale goin down tomorrow to help try and raise the $$ we need to have the privilege of parenting.  We've had tons of friends donate items and time to the sale, we have been so blessed by the support of the friends in our neighborhood and at Portland and Salem First Churches...thank you, thank you, thank you...

...in paperwork notes...Mandy has flown through her 130 question worksheet while i've gotten all the 2 sentence questions finished :)...it's those questions like, describe your childhood... & how will your past influence your parenting...that i haven't answered...i mean seriously, those are serious essay questions...anyway, wanted to pass on the update, much love to everyone


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